Wednesday 16 September 2015

Unit 12 Computers in Art & Design (Website)

Unit 12
Computers in Art & Design

 Website Research


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
Autograph ABP is a charity that works internationally in photography and film, cultural identity, race, representation and human rights.
• What is the content? 
It's an educational website mainly consisting of black and white images taken by black photographers documentary style.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
The target audience is generally students, educators and the general public. It's an educational site aimed to inform the viewer about black photography.
Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
The website is not primarily a sales website but it does offer prints for sale in the online shop.
Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
The website is not a service website, although people can book speakers through the website.
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
It has a basic online payment method, you have to pay using card details.
• What size is the website? (A general view)
It's an average sized website, probably 10-12 pages with links to other sites.
•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
I personally think the website is pleasing to the eye, the layout is very plain and simple but it works because it allows you to focus on the actual photography not the website layout.
• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
I found the website particularly easy to navigate, everything is labelled very boldly with clear headings easy to understand.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn relatively quickly, each page only takes a few seconds to completely load.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation) 
The connected pages of the website are suitable, they're very simple to use.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
The font is very plain and simple but it's suitable, it makes the website serious and classy instead of a fun website.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
The background colours (black and white) are very suitable to the website, they let you focus on the images instead of distracting you from them.
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are very large and easy to view, although if they can't be seen you can zoom in on a mac or pc which is convenient. 
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
There aren't moving graphics or parts to this website.
 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
• How could you improve the website (how?)
The website could be improved by adding a photo gallery with black photography, there's a separate site for multimedia but that's for videos. Adding a photo gallery would be more interesting in my opinion.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
I like the layout and design of the website, but I don't really enjoy the content. It contains lots of exhibitions and events but not any actual photography to look at and enjoy.

 What business does the website concern itself with? 
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)  is the public service broadcaster of the UK, it's the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation, and the second largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with over 20,000 staff in total.
• What is the content? 
The BBC's website is a comprehensive news website and archive. It also includes Sports, Weather, iPlayer, TV and Radio sections, and children's sections such as CBBC, CBeebies and BBC Bitesize (for older children).

• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
The news, weather, tv and radio sections of the website are designed for adults, the CBBC and CBeebies sections are designed for younger children, and the BBC Bitesize section is an educational section designed for both Primary and Secondary School children.
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
• What size is the website? (A general view)
It's an extremely large website, with thousands of links to other sites and connected pages of the website.
•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
The website is very plain and simple but still pleasing to the eye, the main home page is just black and white but each connected page has a different coloured page shown below.

• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
The website is easy to navigate because the layout and links are very clear, and it also has pictures on most pages to further show where the links lead to.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn quickly on this website, which is surprising as it's such a large website. 
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation) 
The connected pages are suitable to their target audience, they're also pleasing to use for the appropriate audiences. Especially the children's connected pages, as they're all very colourful and include lots of games and videos.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
The style of font on each page is suitable for the business, it's plain but professional.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
The background colour on most pages is white, this is very plain but it works well as you can read the font clearly and it doesn't distract you from the font and images.
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are reasonably sized but big enough to view properly.
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
The CBBC and CBeebies parts of the website include connecting page links that increase in size when you hover over them.
 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
The moving parts are a benefit.
• How could you improve the website (how?)
The website could be improved by adding more colours to the "adult" sections, such as BBC home, news and sports, because these sections are quite boring to look at.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
I really like the iPlayer on this website, I think it's great that we can catch up on TV on a computer or mobile device, I also really like the CBeebies and CBBC sections as they're very colourful and interesting to look at and involve lots of games for children.


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
B&H Photo and Video is a media sales website that specialises in photography and video equipment.
• What is the content? 
The website contains different pages that show the different categories of equipment for sale. As well as photography and video equipment they also sell security and surveillance equipment, and binoculars and scopes.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
The website is aimed at photographers (both amateur and professional), and people that work in media.
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
The website sells photography equipment, video equipment, computers/mobile devices, security/surveillance equipment, binoculars and scopes.

• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
The website advertises "Cash in Your Gear", where you can sell them your used equipment.
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
The website accepts a number of different payment methods, shown below.

• What size is the website? (A general view)
The website is reasonably large, with lots of connected pages and links to other sites.
•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
I personally think that the website pages do not look pleasing to the eye as they are very plain and boring, and also look like they've been designed lazily.

• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
The website is easy to navigate as the page links are all labelled very clearly and expand when the cursor hovers over them.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn over quite quickly, although this question can be seen as irrelevant as different laptops/computers/devices will work at different frame rates.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation) 
The connected pages of the website are suitable and also pleasing to use, the page links expand with more page links when you hover over them which is more visually appealing than a page link that doesn't expand.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
The style of font is suitable for the business as it's professional and clear, however personally I would rather use a website with more visually appealing font and website design.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
The background colours are suitable for most people as they are very plain and don't distract you from the product they are selling, however I would much rather if the website was more visually appealing (e.g. brighter colours, interesting fonts.)
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images on this website are rather small, however once you click on the product you are after they double in size, and you can also click on the pictures to make them even bigger again, and also zoom in on each image (examples shown below).

 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
Yes, the thumbnails expand when you hover over them with the cursor, revealing more page links (shown below).

 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
The moving parts are a benefit as they reveal more page links that you otherwise wouldn't see.
• How could you improve the website (how?)
Personally, I do like the layout of the website as it's simple to use yet effective, however I would make the website much more visually appealing, by making it more colourful or darker, and also by adding more interesting fonts/images.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
I like the general layout and use of the website, and I also like that the website has such a wide range of equipment/products for sale, but I do think the design is very boring and old fashioned.


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
Digital camera world concerns itself with digital camera news, reviews and techniques.

• What is the content? 
Digital camera world provides tips and techniques for digital photographers, camera reviews, Photoshop lessons and video tutorials from digital camera magazine.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
The website is designed for professional photographers, photography students, photography beginners and people that are generally interested in photography.
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
The website is selling "Digital Camera Magazine" and also their own Photo Club which you subscribe to monthly.
• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
The website advertises tutorial services (Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom).

• Does the website have online payment methods? 
The website has online payment methods (mastercard, visa, paypal) for it's monthly subscriptions.
• What size is the website? (A general view)
The website is very large with lots of pages and links.
•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why)
The website pages are very plain (black and white) but this is aesthetically pleasing because it looks professional.

• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
The website is very easy to navigate as it's page links are labelled very clearly.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn over quite quickly.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation)
The connected pages of the website are suitable as they are all associated with the website in some way, they are also pleasing to use as they highlight as you hover over the links and also show a drop down menu.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
The font is suitable for the business as it's professional, however I personally find the font slightly too small and boring, I would have it a more visually pleasing font and also bigger (for visitors that may have impaired vision).
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
The background colours are plain black, this is suitable as it doesn't distract your eyes from the main information.
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are big enough to view properly which is good, however you can't click to enlarge the image which is a shame.
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
There are moving advertisements on the website but that is about it.
 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
The moving parts are neither a benefit or a hindrance, they are quite pointless and not related to the website.
• How could you improve the website (how?)
I would personally have more colour on the site and also enlarge the font, I would also be able to "click to enlarge" on the photos (for people that are visually impaired.)
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
As a photography student, I like the website as it has a lot of interesting tutorials, articles and reviews for me to read.


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
Vanity Fair is a magazine of popular culture, fashion, and current affairs, and Vanity Fair is the website for this magazine.
• What is the content? 
The content of this website is celebrity and world news, articles and the latest fashion.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
Although anyone can read vanity fair their target audience is women who are in their late twenties into their mid thirties. 
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
Although the website doesn't really sell any products, it does let you subscribe to the monthly magazine which you have to pay for.
• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
 The website advertises monthly magazine subscriptions.
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
 The only payment method that the website has is "Direct Debit", which isn't great as it's not as well known as PayPal or visa.
• What size is the website? (A general view)
 The website is very large.

•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
 The website pages are pleasing to the eye, they are all white and feminine which women find visually pleasing. 
• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation?)
 The website isn't very easy to navigate, the pages are very messy and the page links aren't labelled very clearly.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
 The pages turn over quite slowly, I think this is because the website is too packed with articles.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation)
 The connected pages of the website are suitable but aren't very pleasing to use, the web pages look too similar.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
 The style of font is suitable for the business as it's professional, but I personally think it's too boring and not pretty enough.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
 The background colours are just white, I do think this is suitable and enhances what you're looking at as the font is black and this lets you concentrate on the font.
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are big enough to view properly.
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
The website doesn't have any moving parts or graphics.
 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
• How could you improve the website (how?)
Personally I would make the website less cluttered, as it's difficult to decide on something to look at/read with how messy it is. I would also add more colour and décor to the website to make it more visually appealing for us ladies that like vanity fair, and also increase the font size and choose a different (more girly) font.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
Personally I dislike this website, as I think the website designer hasn't used vanity fair to it's full potential. I also think that the website pages are way too cluttered and this ruins the aesthetic.


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
 The website is based on a fashion magazine "Vogue".
• What is the content? 
The website includes daily fashion news, backstage photos, fashion trends, catwalk videos, supermodel interviews, beauty trends and celebrity party photos.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
The target audience for vogue is very similar to vanity fair, women in their late twenties to mid thirties. Although Vogue is also very popular with aspiring fashion students of any age, and people who work or have an interest in fashion.
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 

• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
The website doesn't advertise a service.
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
The website only allows you to pay for magazine subscriptions with a debit or credit card, I personally think this isn't a wide enough variety of payment methods.
• What size is the website? (A general view)
The website is large with lots of pages and page links.

•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
The website pages definitely look visually pleasing, the design is very plain and professional yet very classy and modern at the same time.
• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
The website is easy to navigate, the page links are all displayed clearly.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn over quickly.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation)
The connected pages of this website are suitable and also pleasing to use, the page links highlight when you hover over them with the cursor.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
The style of font is definitely suitable for vogue, it's professional and not too cheesy.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
The background colours (grey and white) are suitable and definitely enhance the text/images.
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are big enough to view properly.
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
Although I obviously cannot post a moving graphic onto my blog, I have screenshotted the moving graphic twice to show you how it moves. The VOGUE title at the top of the home page is being hoisted up by sailors (shown below).

 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
The moving parts are definitely a benefit, it's moving quite slowly and doesn't distract your attention from the homepage, but it's still very visually appealing and interesting to see.
• How could you improve the website (how?)
If there's a few things I could do to improve the website it would start with the font, although I think the font is suitable I would make it slightly larger and possibly more fashionable. I would also make the images more colourful, so you're not distracted from the image itself but it's more visually appealing than the dull images at the moment.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
I really like the vogue website, it's probably my favourite website so far. Although I don't usually like plain and professional websites, I was really interested in this one. It's very classy and screams "British".


 What business does the website concern itself with? 
Tumblr is a blogging and social media website, where you can post photos and text (mostly photos) that express yourself.
• What is the content? 
The website consists of millions of bloggers, that can post photos, videos, gifs and mp3's. Most people on Tumblr follow a particular theme such as Fashion, Grunge, Music, Art etc.
• Who is the website designed for? (Target audience) 
Tumblr's target audience is mostly teenagers but people of all ages use it (you must be 13 to sign up).
• Is the website selling a product? (What product?) 
Tumblr doesn't sell products.
• Is the website advertising a service? (What service?) 
Tumblr doesn't advertise services, although it does advertise jobs with the company.
• Does the website have online payment methods? 
There is no need for online payment methods for Tumblr, so no.
• What size is the website? (A general view)
The website is extremely large, with millions of photos, texts, videos etc.
•Does the website pages look pleasing to the eye? (Explain why) 
The website search pages aren't that pleasing, as they're just plain, it's the content that makes the pages pleasing (shown below).

However, the individual blogs are very visually pleasing (depending on what theme the blogger has and personal preference) I have posted some examples below.

• Is the website easy to navigate? (Explanation) 
I am an avid user of Tumblr, so I personally find it very easy to navigate and don't see a reason why it would be difficult, however it could potentially be difficult for other users.
• Do the pages turn over quickly or are they slow? (Why do you think they would they run slowly?) 
The pages turn over quite quickly, however some blogs take a while to load but I think this is because of the content.
• Are the connected pages of the website suitable and pleasing to use? (Explanation)
The connected pages of the website are suitable and pleasing to use, each page is different and you don't know what each blog will hold, I like that about Tumblr.
• Is the style of font suitable for the type of business that it deals with? 
Although each blog has different fonts, the general font of Tumblr is suitable.
• Look at the background colours and analyse whether they are suitable and enhance what you are looking at. 
Blue is Tumblr's colour and it works well, it also enhances the images/text. 
• Are the images big enough to view properly?
The images are big enough to view properly however you can click to enlarge some of the images (not all).
 • Are there moving graphics or parts to the website? (If so what?)
The website in general doesn't have moving graphics however bloggers do post a lot of gifs.
 • Do the moving parts a benefit or a hindrance? 
The gifs are a benefit.
• How could you improve the website (how?)
I have used Tumblr for many years now, and I really enjoyed it at first. However, since Tumblr slightly updated the site I haven't enjoyed it as much, I think they have made it more confusing and messy, therefore I would make Tumblr better by using the first design before the update.
 • Do you like or dislike the website (why?)
I really like Tumblr and the fact that it has never ending images and texts, it's a great site to get inspiration from whether that's fashion, art, photography or D.I.Y. I do like the general design of the website, however I think some parts need improvement.

Which one is your favourite website out of the seven you have critically analysed and why? 
Out of the 7 websites I critically analysed, I think that Tumblr was definitely my favourite. The other websites I found quite difficult to analyse because I wasn't familiar with them, and some of them I found it difficult to make my way around the website as the layout and design wasn't great. Whereas with Tumblr, I knew exactly what I was doing and I could critically analyse parts of the website I was familiar with. Regardless of the fact I am familiar with Tumblr, I think it is the most interesting out of the websites I analysed. I found some of the others really quite boring.

Creating HTML

Firstly open textedit, you can do this by searching for it in the search bar then double clicking textedit to open it. When you're in the programme go to format > make plain text.

Now you can create your HTML. To start, type the text exactly as shown in the image above. Then save it as "firstpage.html" on the desktop.

Welcome to my very first web page!

Once you have saved it as a HTML you can go to the website by opening the document in web browser/safari/firefox/chrome. Don't close the textedit though, because there's still changes to be made.

Go back to the textedit without closing the browser. Click the end of "Welcome to my very first web page!" then press enter/return to insert a paragraph return. Type "Making web pages is fun," then press the spacebar five times to insert five spaces. Finish by typing "and easy!" on the same line, then save the file. 

Switch to the web browser and refresh the web page to load the updated page, this is what it should now look like.

Switch back to the textedit, and add bold tags to the text as shown above. Replace the five spaces in the text with nonbreaking spaces.

Save the file then switch back to the browser and refresh the page, it should look like the above.

Switch back to the textedit, and add bold tags and content to the text as shown above.

Save the file, switch to the browser and refresh the page so it looks like the above.

Artist's Website

The first this I did was stick a memory stick into the computer.  

 Then I opened the memory stick and created a new folder and named it. 


After I opened that new folder and made two new folders called images and text. 

I then opened up dreamweaver. 

To open a new site I clicked on site in the top menu bar and clicked on New Site.
I then linked the two new folders to dreamweaver. This is so dreamweaver will automatically save web pages I create into the website folder on the memory stick. Dreamweaver will also be able to locate the images needed to insert into the website from the images folder within my website folder on my memory stick.

When the basic site set up box appeared 
I named my website, I thin found my root folder, the one on my memory stick with the images and text on, from the folder icon on the right hand side of the local site folder text box. 
Next I clicked on the advance settings to open the options.  

I clicked on 'local info' and from the folder icon at the right hand side for the default images text box i browsed for the Pictures folder inside my root folder and selected it. This shows Dreamweaver where to find the images which is needed to be inserted onto the website.
I clicked OK to close the advanced site setup box.
Then I clicked done int eh manage site box. 

The files panel now shows that dreamweaver s correctly connected to m memory stick. The first list int eh files panel acts as a file manager, allowing me to copy, paste, delete, mover and open files. 

 Next I clicked on file > new. 

 I then changed the size of the page to 955 x 600. 

I then saved my work. 

The fist thing i created was the home page, I named in Index.html.
I then saved the document. 

The files panel showed that the index.html document was saved into the web solder. 

 Because I changed the name of the home page the document title was changed as well. I then changed the title to The Great Artist, this is what will come up on the web browser.
I then saved the document again.  

 This is how the page will look at the end. 

To start the webpage, I made a table like this.  

The width was 4 rows, 3 columns and 955 pixels 

I then had to change the layout for the table to make the website look how it's meant to look. 
I changed the height of the top row to 50 pixels.

I changed the next row's height to 400 pixels. 

I changed the height of the 3rd row to 6o pixels.  

I changed the height of the final row to 80 pixels.

I then changed the width of the first column to 155 pixels. 

I changed the second column to 600 pixels. 

I changed the 3rd and final column to 200 pixels. 

I then saved my work.
I then merged the 2nd and 3rd columns of the first row.  

I then merged the whole 3rd row. 

And then I merged columns 2 and 3 for the 4th row. 

Then I saved my work.
Next I clicked on the 1st column in the row,

clicked on insert > table, 

and made new table, the rows were 6 and 1 column. The table width was 155 pixels.

I then had to move the second box to the top of the seconds row in the first column. I moved it by changing the vertical hight from default to top.  

I then saved my work.
I then clicked on the 4th row and made a new table with 1 row and 8 columns and the width was 800 pixels. 

Next I changed the height to 80. 

I then saved my work again.
This is now what the page looked like.  

I completed the artist website in Dreamweaver and now have an insight of working in dreamweaver, but will probably create my one website using a free template website company.  

A website wireframe, also known as a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a website. Wireframes are created for the purpose of arranging elements to best accomplish a particular purpose.

Below are 2 series of sketches of ideas for wireframes that I would use on my website, I have made these sketches very basic to give you a general idea of what I would like my website to be displayed like.

Idea 1:

My first idea is to have my title very large and bold across the top of the webpage "Levin Thomas Photography", and have the page links in a column on the left side of the webpage. My home page would have one of my photos spread out across the main page with "Welcome" typed across the image.

My About Me page would have a self portrait as the background of the webpage, with a text box titled "About Me" on the left side of the main page, describing a little bit about myself, my life and my work.

My Gallery page would be very simple but effective, it would have all of my work spread out in rows across the main page, and the images would enlarge when you click on them.

I would also like a "contact me" page on my website, I have shown above how I would like this displayed. I would like to have a text box where you can leave your name, email, subject and message which would be sent to my email address from my website.

Last of all I would like a social links page, which has links to most of my social media. I am an avid social media user who not only uses it for socialising, but as inspiration for art, photography and music. I also post a lot of my personal work on my social media, which my website visitors may want to see.

Idea 2:

I prefer this idea much more than my first idea as I like the layout of the website better. My home page would look like the above sketch, I would have one of my photos as the background and have "enter" typed across the page which you would click to enter the website. 

My About Me page would be very similar to my other idea, I would have a self portrait as the background of the webpage, with a text box titled "About Me" on the left side of the main page, describing a little bit about myself, my life and my work.

My Gallery page would basically be a grid showing all of my images/work, and I would also be able to enlarge the images by clicking on them.

I would also like a "contact me" page on my website, I have shown above how I would like this displayed. I would like to have a text box where you can leave your name, email, subject and message which would be sent to my email address from my website.

Website Design Research


Wix is a cloud based web development platform that allows users to create websites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop tools. Users can add functionalities such as social plug-ins, e-commerce, contact forms, email marketing and community forums to their websites using Wix-developed and third-party applications.

What I like about Wix is not only do they let you choose your own template, but they let you choose what type of website you would like to build (business, portfolio, music, online store, or in my case photography). I decided to go with Wix to build my website as not only is the website builder simple to use, but it lets you do so much with your website that other website builders won't do.

Moonfruit is a free website builder as well as a website building service. You choose a template for your website then build it around that template, just like Wix. Although I liked the look of the templates on Moonfruit it wouldn't let me look further into the website without signing up, so I decided to look at others sites too.

Weebly is a drag-and-drop website builder. Although I didn't choose Weebly as my final website builder it looks really simple to use and the outcomes look great. What I liked about Weebly is that if you click "See How It Works" it shows you a video on how your website is built beforehand, this is great because you can see whether you feel comfortable with it or not.

My Wix Website

This is my website home page, I have my name slightly off centre because I think this looks much more effective. My background is a photo I took a few years back in Italy, I chose this as my homepage background as it's one of my favourite photo's I've ever taken. My website consists of photo's that are from my college coursework, photo's I have taken at home, commissioned work and also photo's I have taken on my travels.

This is my page links bar, as you can see I have decided to have a few small galleries instead of one large gallery, this way people visiting my site can look at individual subject galleries. I also have an "About Me" page and a Contact page, where visitors can ask me questions or send me messages.
This is my "About Me" page, I chose to have this happy friendly photo of myself as the background because I think it's nice for the site visitors to have a face to put the name to. I think the white text box looks really effective against the black photo. I really struggled with this page as I didn't know what to write about myself, but in the end wrote a small but sweet paragraph about myself and my work.

Portrait gallery

Architecture gallery
Documentary gallery

Street Photography gallery

Commercial gallery

This is my contact page, I have chosen a black and white photograph that I took whilst in Italy as my background image and I think this looks really nice behind the white text box. I have put "GET IN TOUCH" in the text box, and as you can see there's spaces to leave a name, email address, subject and message to send me. I though this was a nice touch for visitors to send me any feedback on my site or any questions they may have.

This image just shows what the photo's in the gallery look like when you click on them, as you can see it allows you to see them much larger and clearer and the arrows let you click through the images in the gallery.
I have also linked my Flickr and my Instagram to my website with page links in the corner of my site (in the shape of Flickr and Instagram icons). I chose to do this as my Flickr contains a lot of my photography work that may not be on my site and they can follow me on Flickr, whereas you can't have followers on Wix. Although my Instagram is mainly personal images, I do have some candid images and believe that my Instagram photos are of great quality.

Above is the link for my Wix website, you can explore my website further by clicking this link.

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